Don't Ignore the Pain: 5 Signs You Need Emergency Dentistry Immediately

Newmarket Dental Care • Jul 22, 2023

Emergency dentistry is vital for your health in some situations. Keep reading to find out about the times you need to get to a dentist fast.

Emergency department visits for dental problems are more common than visits for diabetes and asthma. Many people don't know how to recognize they're facing a dental emergency. 

Here are five signs you need emergency dentistry services immediately. If these situations sound familiar, visit a dentist in NewMarket, ON right away.

With their help, you can protect your oral and overall health before complications develop.

1. Toothaches

About 75% of Canadians visit their dentist at least once a year. Routine dental appointments will allow a dentist to assess your oral health. They can spot signs of tooth decay before it develops into a serious problem. 

Otherwise, silent tooth decay could lead to severe toothaches, infections, and potential tooth loss. Though pain can indicate several issues, it usually points to decay.

In some cases, toothaches are manageable without emergency dental care.

However, you should visit your emergency dentist if the toothache doesn't subside after a few days. Seek immediate emergency dental services if you experience swelling. Swelling in the face or jaw could indicate the infection is spreading.

You should also visit a dentist if you experience:

  • Shortness of breath
  • A cough that won't go away
  • Blood when coughing
  • Chest pain
  • Trouble breathing or swallowing

In the meantime, avoid taking over-the-counter pain medication to ease the pain. Some over-the-counter medications can burn your gums or soft tissue if there's an infection.

Until you see an emergency dentist, apply a cold compress to the outside of your cheek. 

When tooth decay isn't treated, an abscess can develop (more on this below). The infection will develop on the pulp inside your tooth or near your tooth. In rare cases, the infection can become life-threatening if it spreads to your brain.

An impacted tooth might also cause a toothache. This occurs when a tooth (usually a wisdom tooth) is stuck in bone or gum tissue. The tooth won't grow properly as a result.

To reduce your risk of developing tooth decay, prioritize your oral health.

Brush twice a day and floss your teeth daily. Brushing and flossing will remove plaque, food particles, and bacteria from your mouth. Otherwise, plaque and tartar will develop, leading to decay. 

2. Chipped and Knocked-Out Teeth

You could chip or break a tooth if you bite down on something too hard or get into an accident.

If you chipped your tooth, rinse your mouth out using warm water. Apply a piece of gauze to the injured area if you notice it's bleeding. To relieve swelling and pain, apply a cold compress to the affected side of your face.

Before visiting your emergency dentist, avoid biting down on hard or crunchy food. You should also avoid sports or activities that can cause further damage. 

A broken tooth is considered an emergency if the fracture exposed the tooth root or caused tooth loss. Look for nearby emergency dental care right away.

Your broken tooth might be occupied with symptoms like:

  • Tooth pain
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold
  • A visible chip or crack

Keep track of your symptoms before seeing your emergency dentist.

If the incident caused you to lose a tooth, store the tooth in a container of milk. This method can improve the chances of successful reimplantation. 

Your dentist can treat a minor fracture with a composite filling. For more severe situations, they might recommend extraction, a dental implant, or a crown. Your emergency dentist will assess the injured area to determine the best course of action. 

3. A Tooth or Gum Abscess

An abscess will appear as a painful, swollen spot, comparable to a pimple. It's a collection of pus that develops due to a bacterial infection. If you notice a red, swollen bump in your mouth, seek emergency dental care right away.

An abscess won't heal on its own, though it can rupture. Even if it ruptures, the bacterial infection will remain. An infection is a serious issue that could spread through your bloodstream.

Request emergency dental services as soon as possible before complications develop. 

4. Bleeding, Receding Gums

If your gums are swollen, bloody, and tender, you could have gum disease. Visit an emergency dentist as soon as possible. In its initial stage (gingivitis), periodontitis is treatable.

If you delay treatment, however, your gums will begin to recede. You could risk losing a tooth. Periodontal disease can also increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and respiratory disease. 

Seeking treatment can protect the supporting structures of your teeth. 

5. Dislodged Restorations

Crowns and fillings are designed to restore previously damaged teeth. They help restore the function and appearance of your smile. If a crown or filling is damaged, an infection could develop and spread.

While waiting to see an emergency dentist, stick a piece of sugarless gum into the cavity.

Don't try to fix the tooth yourself. You don't want to cause further damage. 

Place the dislodged restoration in a plastic bag and bring it to the dentist's office. They can reapply the restoration if possible. Otherwise, they might fit you with a new crown.

Broken orthodontics also constitute dental emergencies. While braces are designed to withstand wear and tear, they can break. For example, a wire could stick out, poking your gums and cheek.

Neglecting to fix the issue could delay your treatment plan. Try to push the broken wire into a comfortable position. Use a piece of gauze, cotton ball, or orthodontic wax to protect the inside of your mouth.

Don't try to cut the wire on your own. Visit an emergency dentistry practice right away. 

Emergency Dentistry: Find a Dentist in NewMarket, ON

If these issues sound familiar, look for an emergency dentistry practice right away. Finding a dentist in NewMarket, ON could prove crucial to your health. With their emergency dental care, you can protect your smile.

Not sure if you've encountered a dental emergency? We can help.

Contact us today to discuss your problem or to request emergency dental care.

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