7 Reasons Why You Should Never Skip Your Routine Dental Cleaning in Newmarket, ON

Newmarket Dental Care • Jun 20, 2023

Your routine dental cleaning is critical for healthy, beautiful teeth. Learn about 7 reasons why you should never skip it in this article.

Research shows that 7% of people lose at least one tooth from decay by the age of 17. This is often the result of a lack of care that could have prevented the issue.

You may be wondering if routine dental cleaning is as important as people say. This is a common question people have since they underestimate the importance of dental care.

The reality is that regular dental cleaning is vital for your oral health. Without it, important issues can go overlooked until they become severe.

Keep reading to find out why you need routine dental cleaning every year.

1. Helps Prevent Decay

You most likely have a dentist in Newmarket, ON, but do you see your dentist regularly? Routine dental cleaning is the most basic part of dental hygiene.

Teeth cleaning appointments also act as a kind of check-up. This allows your dentist to see what is going on and give you advice.

Tooth decay is a very big problem in the US among people of all ages. The reality is that tooth decay can occur for a variety of reasons.

You may have a cavity that you have left untreated. Or one of your teeth may be damaged, and you haven't noticed it yet.

These are all instances where tooth issues can turn into tooth decay. This is much more serious since it can lead to tooth loss.

If caught early on, your dentist can fix tooth decay and repair the damaged tooth. But if you wait too long, it may not be reversible, resulting in you needing a false tooth.

2. Offers Prevention

General teeth cleaning is something that many people overlook. You may not see the value since you already clean your teeth at home.

But the reality is that seeing your dentist in Newmarket is very important. Teeth cleanings give the dentist a chance to check up on how your teeth look.

You may have a crack that you didn't notice or your gums may be inflamed. Some dental issues are symptomless, making it hard for you to know when something is wrong.

That is why getting your teeth cleaned is a preventative measure. Not only does it keep your teeth in good condition, it identifies issues before they become worse.

3. Fights Plaque

Dental cleanings provide a different level of care than brushing your teeth at home. The dentist can use special tools to reach those hard areas in your mouth.

It is also important to remember that a lot of people don't brush properly. A lot of toothbrushes don't have the right design and can't reach certain areas.

Plaque also can't be removed once it has started to develop. It is very durable and latches onto your teeth until extra measures are taken.

Your dental cleanings usually have a strong focus on plaque removal. This is important because plaque has a negative impact on the structural integrity of your teeth.

It can make your teeth weaker and more vulnerable to infection and decay. Not to mention that plaque is also very unsightly and takes away from your smile.

It can make you look like you have food between your teeth or your teeth are discolored.

4. Reduces Bad Breath

There are a lot of small benefits that come from regular teeth cleaning. One of those benefits is that it can help reduce bad breath.

A lot of people struggle with bad breath even if they brush regularly. This can be very frustrating and embarrassing, especially when you don't know what else to do.

You may not realize that bad breath often comes from plaque buildup. This is because plaque produces bad bacteria that cause bad breath.

You can't remove plaque by brushing your teeth, so bad breath won't go away. Things like breath mints and mouthwash are only temporary fixes.

Keep in mind that bad breath could also indicate other oral issues. You may have tooth decay or another health problem that hasn't been diagnosed yet.

That is why you should not ignore bad breath if you are taking care of your oral health.

5. Saves Money

Some people may hesitate to get teeth cleanings because of the price. It is just one more thing you need to do and pay for in your busy life.

But the reality is that teeth cleanings are preventative. They can help your dentist locate important dental problems before they become more severe.

Because of this, you can avoid much higher dentist bills by taking this preventative measure.

How Often Should You Get Teeth Cleanings?

A lot of people don't understand dental care very well. They may not know how often they should see their dentist or when cleanings are necessary.

Most experts recommend that adults get their teeth cleaned once or twice a year. You should do this along with scheduling a basic check-up with your dentist yearly.

If you notice any dental concerns, you should also schedule an additional check-up. Some people may need their teeth cleaned more if they have more plaque buildup.

Routine Dental Cleaning: Why It's So Important

Is getting routine dental cleaning really that important? The answer is that this is very important for your oral health.

It helps to prevent tooth decay, removes plaque, and helps you to save money. It also keeps your teeth looking clean and bright without discoloration from plaque.

Are you looking for a new market, ON dentist? Contact us today at Newmarket Dental Care to schedule an appointment.

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