All About General Dentistry in Newmarket Ontario

Newmarket Dental Care • Apr 18, 2023

If you are not seeing a general dentist in Newmarket, then it's time to start. Here's what you need to know about general dentistry in Newmarket, Ontario.

Dentists recommend that patients schedule 1 or 2 checkups every year. During these checkups, patients will not only have their teeth assessed but cleaned as well. 

Note, though, that there is a lot more that a general dentist can do for a patient. Are you interested in learning more about general dentistry? Then read on. Here's everything you need to know about general dentistry. 

What Is General Dentistry?

First, let's discuss what general dentistry is. General dentistry is used to describe a collection of standard dental treatments. These treatments are vital to the maintenance and protection of human teeth and gums. 

The goal of general dentistry isn't just to keep the teeth and gums healthy, however. It's also to catch existing problems early so that they don't turn into bigger problems in the future. 

Not all patients need all general dentistry procedures. Note, though, that everyone needs to have their teeth examined and cleaned. Some of the general dental services that exist outside of cleaning and examinations include the following: 

Dental X-rays

To help assess certain dental issues, general dentists will often carry out dental X-rays. This enables dentists to see the interiors of teeth, and thus decide whether rot or decay is present. 

Dental X-rays can be used to diagnose problems like cavities, root canals, tooth misalignment issues, and the like. They're a fairly regular part of general dentistry and are key to maintaining good oral health. 

Crowns/Bridge Insertion

When teeth are lost or chipped, they need to be replaced with synthetic teeth. Not only do synthetic teeth enhance the aesthetic of the area where the tooth is lost but they also prevent teeth from closing in on each other, thereby keeping the teeth straight and allowing for a proper bite. If you don't replace lost teeth, you'll eventually suffer a range of additional dental problems. 

Fortunately, there are several methods available to replace lost teeth. Two of the most popular include the insertion of crowns and the insertion of bridges. 

Crowns are placed around existing teeth, encapsulating them. They're used not only for chipped teeth but decaying and discolored teeth as well. 

Bridges are sets of synthetic teeth that use adjacent teeth as anchors. They can replace whole rows of teeth in one go. You can learn more about both by calling your local dentist. 

Dental Implants

A more permanent version of crowns and bridges is dental implants. These are synthetic teeth that are literally planted into the bone of the jaw. Because of this, they act as legitimate teeth. 

Dental implants are a much bigger commitment than crowns and bridges, all in terms of time, money, and effort. However, they also last longer and are tougher as well. Therefore, they just might be the best option for you. 

Cavity Fillings

Cavities are extremely common. In fact, a Canadian study shows that 96% of Canadians have a history of cavities. So, odds are, you're going to have a cavity at some point. 

The good thing is that cavities can be filled. Actually, cavity fillings are some of the most commonly performed general dentistry procedures in existence. 

Root Canal Procedures

In some cases, a tooth will become so decayed that its pulp needs to be removed. When this occurs, the tooth's root canal needs to be cleaned out. Ergo, the root canal procedure. 

This is an intensive procedure, but also one that can save an authentic tooth and improve one's dental hygiene substantially. If you're experiencing extreme pain in one of your teeth, consider seeing your general dentist for an assessment. 

Tooth Extraction

Maybe your tooth is suffering from severe decay? Perhaps it was jarred loose during an athletic endeavor? You might even have overcrowding or wisdom teeth.

Whatever the case may be, you may need to have your tooth extracted. Who can extract it for you? Your general dentist.

They'll ensure that your tooth is removed in a safe and proper manner, and then provide a tooth replacement as well. 

Understanding the Importance of General Dentistry

If you want to maintain a healthy set of teeth and gums, you need general dentistry. Yes, you can handle a large amount of your dental care on your own. However, professional assistance is also required. 

Let's say that you start to form a cavity. Because you don't see your dentist, you never notice it. As a result, the decay spreads and eventually turns into a root canal. 

At this point, you're in extreme pain. Plus, you're at risk of losing your tooth. And all because you forewent seeing your general dentist for too long. 

Your general dentist is your oral health maintenance technician. They provide valuable dental services to ensure that tooth and gum decay don't get out of control. Without their help, the health of your teeth and gums will plummet, and you'll take on a number of other health issues as a result. 

Looking for a General Dentist in Newmarket Ontario? 

As you can see, the impact of general dentistry is substantial. Are you looking for a general dentist in Newmarket Ontario? If so, look no further than Newmarket Dental Care. 

We offer every general dentistry service in existence, from dental implants to crowns to bridges to dental fillings to root canals and more. Regardless of your dental needs, our seasoned team of dentists will assist you in a warm, professional, and friendly manner. 

Contact us today to discuss your needs or to schedule an appointment! 

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