A Complete Guide to Dental Implants

Newmarket Dental Care • May 24, 2023

If you're considering dental implants, then it is important to know what is involved in the procedure. This is everything you should know about dental implants.

The estimated global prevalence of complete and total tooth loss is 7% according to the World Health Organization. That means that 7% of all people over the age of 20 have no natural teeth left. If you're missing one, several, or all of your teeth, you're not alone. 

You may want to consider restorative options. Dental implants can help you restore your smile and take your life back.

We're here to talk all about the ins and outs of dental implants. Read on to learn more. 

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are like artificial tooth roots that replace missing teeth. They are made from metal, usually titanium. A dentist will place the implant(s) into the jawbone through a surgical procedure.

Dental implants are helpful when someone has lost a tooth. They're a long-term solution and they look natural. 

The implant fuses with the jawbone over time, acting as a strong foundation for a replacement tooth. Once the implant is securely in place, a lifelike artificial tooth (a crown) goes on top. This crown looks and functions like a natural tooth, allowing people to chew, speak, and smile with confidence.

People can get one implant, several implants, or a whole mouth of implants. Some implants are individual while others have multiple "teeth" attached to the same metal post.

Benefits of Dental Implants

So why would someone want dental implants? Many people think they're just cosmetic, but this isn't the case. Dental implants have genuine benefits aside from an improved aesthetic.

Here are just a few helpful benefits of dental implants. 

Tooth and Jaw Protection

Dental implants play an important role in protecting your teeth and jaw. When you lose a tooth, it can cause the surrounding teeth to shift or become crooked. By getting a dental implant, you fill the gap and prevent neighboring teeth from moving out of place.

Dental implants can also help keep your jawbone strong and healthy. When a tooth is missing, the jawbone can start to deteriorate over time through bone resorption. Dental implants act as artificial tooth roots that stimulate the jawbone, promoting bone growth and preventing bone loss.

Improved Quality of Life

Dental implants can improve your overall quality of life, especially if you have multiple missing teeth.

When you're missing teeth, you may have a hard time eating and speaking. Sure, you could get dentures, but they can also be uncomfortable and difficult to adjust to. 

Dental implants can help you eat and speak normally again. This will improve your overall health because you'll be able to eat more nutritious foods (such as fruits and vegetables, which may have been too fibrous for you prior to the implants) and it will improve your social life. 

A Natural Feel and Appearance

Dental implants look and feel like normal teeth. Many people may not even know that you have implants at all if you don't tell them. Many people think that dental implants will look "too perfect" to be real, but your dentist will make sure that the crowns over the implants resemble your remaining teeth and match your face. 

The implants feel like normal teeth once you're done healing. You may feel some initial discomfort once you have your crowns, but the adjustment period is brief. You'll be able to eat and drink normally soon enough.

The same isn't true for dentures. While some dentures are comfortable, many are painful and they slide around. You don't have to worry about that with dental implants. 

You can also take care of your implants as you would your natural teeth. Continue flossing and brushing as normal and show up for your general dentistry appointments!

Long-Term Solution

Dental implants are long-lasting and can often last a lifetime with proper care. Unlike other tooth replacement options that may need replacing over time, dental implants are made from strong materials that are resistant to decay and wear.

With good oral hygiene practices, regular check-ups, and a healthy lifestyle, dental implants can be a durable and long-lasting solution for missing teeth. It's important to follow the dentist's instructions, maintain good oral hygiene, and schedule regular dental visits to ensure the longevity (and condition) of your dental implants. 

Increased Self-Esteem

While improving your self-esteem isn't the most important benefit of dental implants, it's a big one. Yes, your oral health comes first, but your mental health matters too. The way you see yourself has a direct connection to your mental health. 

If your missing teeth make you feel self-conscious, dental implants can help. You'll find yourself smiling in photos again, and that benefit is priceless. 

The Process of Getting Dental Implants

So what does the process of getting dental implants look like? 

First, your dentist will examine your teeth and jawbone to make sure you're a good candidate. If you have significant oral health problems, you may have to take care of those first before you get implants.

If everything looks good, the next step is the implant placement surgery. 

During this surgery, the dentist will make an incision in the gum to access the jawbone. Then, they'll place the implant into the bone. After the surgery, you'll need to wait for a few months to allow the implant to fuse with the bone in a process called osseointegration.

Once the implant has integrated with the bone, the next step is to attach an abutment. This is a connector that holds the artificial tooth in place. Your dentist will take impressions of your teeth to create a custom-made crown that matches your natural teeth.

The last step of the process is when the dentist places the crown on top of the abutment, completing your dental implant.

It's important to follow your dentist's instructions for aftercare and attend regular check-ups. 

Are Dental Implants Right for You? 

If you have missing teeth, it may be time to consider getting dental implants.  They'll restore your smile back to its former glory and keep your jaw and remaining teeth healthier. You deserve a smile you love. 

If you're ready to talk to a dentist in Newmarket, Ontario about dental implants, we want to meet you! Contact us at Newmarket Dental Care today.

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